Grokking Algorithms
Author/Speaker: Aditya Y. Bhargava
Media Type: book
Date: -
Amount: some
Comments: As a visual learner, I like the illustrations in the book.
How To Think Like A Programmer
Author/Speaker: Andy Harris
Media Type: video
Date: Sep 29, 2021
Amount: all
Performance Matters
Author/Speaker: Emery Berger
Media Type: video
Date: Sep 29, 2021
Amount: all
How to Performance
Author/Speaker: Eileen Uchitelle
Media Type: video
Date: Sep 27, 2021
Amount: all
These apps make a game out of relieving anxiety. They may be onto something.
Author/Speaker: Sigal Samuel
Media Type: article
Date: Mar 20, 2021
Amount: all
Comments: Interesting mix of tech and soft science, about apps designed to help anxiety with games based on theraputic tools (like CBT), seems currently applicable during the current pandemic
The Dark UX pattterns targeting children - And how in-app advertising proliferated during the pandemic
Author/Speaker: Chris Kernaghan
Media Type: article
Date: Mar 19, 2021
Amount: all
Comments: Talks about sneaky ad designs targeting kids (particularly in games)
Yes, here's the best CSS framework in 2021
Author/Speaker: \@maisonfutari
Media Type: blog
Date: Mar 19, 2021
Amount: all
Comments: Describes the 3 types of css frameworks, what the best of each are, and in what circumstances you want want to use each one
Real World Functional Programming With Examples in F-sharp and C#
Author/Speaker: Tomas Petricek with Jon Skeet
Media Type: book
Date: Mar 17, 2021
Amount: some
Comments: Reading/working on it with Chad as our book club book
Dynamically Switching From One HTML Element to Another in Vue
Author/Speaker: Travis Almand
Media Type: article
Date: Feb 02, 2021
Amount: all
Getting Things Done - The Art of Stress-Free Productivity
Author/Speaker: David Allen
Media Type: book
Date: Feb 01, 2021
Amount: some
All the Little Things
Author/Speaker: Sandi Metz
Media Type: video
Date: Jan 21, 2021
Amount: all
Computational Complexity Theory
Author/Speaker: Hakan Erbaş
Media Type: article
Date: Jan 05, 2021
Amount: null
Computer Scientists Break Travelling Salesperson Record
Author/Speaker: Erica Klarreich
Media Type: article
Date: Jan 04, 2021
Amount: all
Complexity Theory
Author/Speaker: Karleigh Moore, Christopher Williams
Media Type: article
Date: Jan 04, 2021
Amount: null
Computational Complexity Theory
Author/Speaker: Walter Dean
Media Type: article
Date: Jan 04, 2021
Amount: skimmed
Comments: A bit too advanced for me to fully comprehend at this time
The Pragmatic Programmer - Your journey to Mastery, 20th Anniversary Edition
Author/Speaker: null
Media Type: book (kindle)
Date: Aug 24, 2020
Amount: in progress
Author/Speaker: ???
Media Type: article
Date: Sep 19, 2020
Amount: null
JavaScript Callback Functions - What are Callbacks in JS and How to Use Them
Author/Speaker: Cem Eygi
Media Type: article
Date: Sep 16, 2020
Amount: all
How to Url Encode Your MongoDB Atlas Connection Password
Author/Speaker: Ian Schoonover
Media Type: video
Date: Sep 09, 2020
Amount: all
All You Need to Know to Understand Javascript's Prototype
Author/Speaker: Shirshendu Bhowmick
Media Type: article
Date: Sep 15, 2020
Amount: null
How to build your brand as a programmer
Author/Speaker: undefined
Media Type: blog
Date: Sep 08, 2020
Amount: all
Machine Learning Failures - for Art!
Author/Speaker: undefined
Media Type: video
Date: Aug 27, 2020
Amount: all
Why You Should Never Use MongoDB
Author/Speaker: undefined
Media Type: blog post
Date: Aug 10, 2020
Amount: all
AstriaGraph - Monitoring Global Traffic in Space
Author/Speaker: undefined
Media Type: video
Date: Aug 05, 2020
Amount: all
Beyond Alt-Text - Trends in Online Accessibility
Author/Speaker: undefined
Media Type: video
Date: Jul 23, 2020
Amount: all
How to Not Read the Room - Creating Wearables with ML
Author/Speaker: undefined
Media Type: video
Date: Jul 23, 2020
Amount: all
Peter Hilton on Naming
Author/Speaker: undefined
Media Type: podcast
Date: Jul 21, 2020
Amount: some
How to Teach Programming (and Other Things)?
Author/Speaker: undefined
Media Type: video
Date: Jul 21, 2020
Amount: all

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